New Favorite: New Dream

Currently, this is the best smelling flower out on the market. Its a unique profile I’ve never encountered before, and every person that smells and tastes it says the same thing. She is full of so many terps this Blue Dream variant is aptly named. Prominent presence of ocimene, pinene, limonene, and myrcene rush your…


Humulene is an important terpene to know because its present in all cannabis strains as part of the plant’s natural defenses. While its presence isn’t dominant in any cultivars, in fact its one of the lowest, but breeders are working on ways to increase its content because of its well documented cancer fighting properties. It…


This terpene is my favorite Sunflower line (produced by Abatin) and is another important note in the flowers I choose to deal with my anxiety and depression. As soon as you smell this floral sweet aroma you are immediately relaxed and happy. Ocimene is rarely the most dominant terpene in commonly found cultivars, but its presence…


This is my favorite terpene. Its ability to give me a calm focus helps me to operate at maximum efficiency in everything I do. This terp has been present during the writing of my greatest hits and some of my best performances. Its the reason why I am so passionate about patients understanding cannabis and…


This terpene is one of my favorites. Its second to pinene on my favorite terp list. For my issues with anxiety and depression, this oil speaks to me whether its in lavender or blue dream. In addition to its relaxing properties found in aromatherapy, it is also a natural insect repellant.  From Wikipedia: Over 200…